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Effortlessly integrating retro style into modern clothing is something only Hearts&Roses London designers know how to do… and this British brand wants to revive 50s style clothing, making it more stylish than ever before! With high-quality fabrics combined with fine basic cuts from earlier designs, H&R London is a real rock ‘n’ roll reunion. The EMP Shop offers a wide selection, so grab a piece of history for your wardrobe and experience the Rockabilly lifestyle with your very own look!
In the 50s, flowers and colourful fruit prints were just as popular as they are now - so get right on trend with an evening or summer dress. The beauty of H&R London dresses is that they're perfect for a party and just as perfect for everyday life. They're true all-rounders, so don't be afraid to combine them with other items, like a vintage dress, pumps or knee-high boots to guarantee a killer look. Making fashion work has always required a spark of courage, so let H&R London show you the way. There's no need to wear grey mass-produced goods with no elegance any more, discover the extravagance H&R can offer you for every situation.
Ooze playfulness with 50s dresses and show off your fashionable side as well as your casual character. Fancy a dance? Go on! But it wouldn't be H&R without a little bit of something different: how about a little black dress with sensual straps and striking studs? Fear not, we've got it all - so it's time to decide - sexy or sophisticated? Party mode or everyday mode?
Military, winter, party!
What do these three terms have in common, you may ask? Well, they're all part of H&R London's incredibly diverse fashion universe, and there are many more genres! You know you've found the right place to buy your clothes when you can trust that you're buying quality garments and you're bowled over by new outfit releases. Be inspired by flair from years passed and discover your new favourite curved neckline style! Fall in love with a lace hem or discover something new with mesh fabric and ruffles form H&R London, a brand that has long been beautifying wardrobes... on five continents. Clean shapes, more individuality and unusual variations such as skull prints and velvet dresses, discover the H&R London label now and make your clothing dreams come true.